Conférence sur le « design comme art de l’expérience » par Jean Louis Fréchin lors d’une soirée Creative Drink Up du 31 Mai 2016. Selon Jean-Louis Fréchin, l’émotion est plus que jamais un facteur à prendre en compte pour innover et sans doute, une clé essentielle pour l’avenir de l’industrie. Il nous raconte ainsi au travers de sa vision du design, de différents projets et de beaucoup d’humour, comment sa façon d’embrasser le monde.

Jean-Louis Fréchin is a French designer and architect specialized in digital design and innovation. Trained at the National School of Architecture Paris-Villemin and the National School of Industrial Design, he taught at the Graduate School of Art and Design School of Amiens, and the National School Industrial Creation (Ensci / Workshops), where he founded the Digital Design Workshop and FabLab workshop. Since 2001, he leads NoDesign Agency Design and innovation where, with Uros Petrevski, it produces « New Objects », as he calls himself, objects capable of producing, harvesting or transmit information and respond to data in various industrial, cultural or research projects.  Jean-Louis Fréchin led projects for many companies: Renault, Seb, Orange, Parrot, Alstom, Legrand, AlloCiné, Bouygues Telecom and many startups in the field of strategic advice on innovation, service and design product. It also led missions for Museums like the Museum of Science and Industry, the Musée du quai Branly and local authorities in the field of urban innovation: Paris, Plaine Commune, Nice, Lyon. He is a director of the New Generation Internet Governance, a member of the Lieu du Design Foundation and Cap Digital and Director Council Innovation and Foresight at the Ensci / Workshops.

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