Sur mon blog, j’aime à vous parler de choses très sérieuses comme les méthodes avancées du design mais aussi de choses belles, sensibles et souriantes comme avec cette vidéo intitulée The Junebugs. Lue par David Purdham sur un poème original de Steve Scafidi et réalisé par Oddfellows, Chris Kelly, Colin Trenter, Yuki Yamada et Hana kim, nous voilà plongé dans une oeuvre graphique, calme et immersive.


The Junebugs par Steve Scafidi

« Hey boy come here — quick,
so he dropped his rake and
ran to the yard by the house

where probably five hundred
junebugs like a pile of emeralds
and rubies glistened crawling

over each other under each other
in the grass. By god look at them
fornicating, he said and his son


said Hold on, I got an idea, and ran
to the house for the bundle of
twine and gunpowder he had tied

together into a bomb for such
a purpose and blew an equally
glittering hole in the yard

a foot into the earth and the punch
his father landed reverberated
in his skull for the rest of his life

and when the assassin fired
it was the last thing he saw —
junebugs everywhere crawling

glistening in the tall summer grass. »

The Junebugs

Merci Tobias !

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